Posted in Addiction & Control No discussion yet on October 21st, 2011

Minerals for Getting Rid of Smoking Habit

Giving up the practice of smoking is indeed one of the most difficult jobs. According to several survey results, smoking is the premiere preventable disease across the world. No medication can promise a fortnightly relief from this deadly addiction. However, if the right dosage of medicines is followed with the intake of essential nutrients, the person will definitely meet success in giving up smoking for the entire life. Selenium is counted one among the essential nutrients that aid in recuperating the body surviving with the umpteen damages caused by the toxic gases and chemicals of cigarette smoke. Selenium is a beneficial mineral with anti-oxidant properties. It is known for managing the natural defense system of the body, immune system. It shields the cells present at the vital organs of the body from the distorting effects of the free radicals. It clears out all the toxic collection as well as viral infestation around the immune system and restores its lost strength. This nutrient  [...]

Posted in Asthma & respiratory, Disease & Disorders No discussion yet on October 14th, 2011

How Should Pet Lovers Deal with Asthma?

Are you a pet lover, but have developed asthma? Then there's a serious possibility that you'll be separated from your beloved pet. Individuals diagnosed to be suffering from asthma are usually advised to stay away from pets as doing so might aggravate the signs of the disease. Although many of us believe that length of hair of the pets is the factor responsible for triggering asthma attacks; it is not true. The primary factors that might trigger asthma attacks include pet’s dander, saliva, urine and sweat. In this article, we’ll be discussing about the steps the pet lovers should take for dealing with their asthma attacks. The first thing you must do is identifying the exclusion zones in your abode where the pets can stay. The best way of handling the situation would be stopping the pets from entering your bedroom and other parts of the house where you spend maximum hours. If the pets had the habit of sleeping in any of these rooms, you must wash all the bed sheets and spread a newly  [...]

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