Pain Management through Bioelectric therapy

Pain management via bioelectric therapy is ideal for treating a number of unremitting and severe pain conditions. Bioelectric therapy is deemed a risk and medication-free therapy alternative for individuals suffering from pains as it blocks pain signals to the brain. Subsequent to injury, pain receptor cells transmit a signal to the CNS (central nervous system – brain and spinal cord). The signal is recorded as pain by particular cells present in the body. Bioelectric therapy employs bioelectric currents for relieving pains by disrupting pain messages prior to them reaching the CNS. Bioelectric therapy additionally stimulates the body in producing endorphins that aid in pain management.

Bioelectric Therapy – Scope of Treatment

Bioelectric therapy could be employed for treating incessant and severe pain conditions inclusive of:

  • RSD (reflex sympathetic dystrophy) condition.
  • Pain ManagementBack pains.
  • Muscular pains.
  • Headache and migraine.
  • Blood supply disorder affecting the upper and lower extremities.
  • Arthritis.
  • TMJ (temporomandibular joint) affecting the jaws.
  • Nervous system conditions like diabetic retinopathy.
  • Pains and ulcer formations related to the skin due to inadequate circulation, scleroderma (an incessant disorder which could thicken or harden skin).
Bioelectric therapy – Contraindications

Bioelectric therapy is contraindicated for individuals:

  • Having pacemaker.
  • Expectant mothers.
  • Having thrombosis (blood clot formation in the arm and leg area).
  • Having some form of bacterial infections.
Bioelectric Therapy Efficacy in Pain Management

Bioelectric therapy is immensely useful in offering provisional pain control; however it must solely be a constituent in a comprehensive pain management plan. When employed as an adjunct to usual pain allayers, bioelectric therapy could lower the dosage of a number of drugs by nearly fifty percent.

Bioelectric Therapy – What Treatment Entails?

Treatment involves application of numerous small-sized, flattish rubber adhesive discuses known as electrodes to the skin’s surface at recommended sites needing treatment. At times, rubber suctioning devices or cups (known as vaso pneumatic appliances) could be employed for application. Electrodes are connected to a computer for recording the specific therapy dose needed. Application of elevated frequency interchanging electric currents (about four thousand cycles/second) is done to the electrodes. The currents moving swiftly via the skin cause minimal discomforting sensations. How a person responds to the electric stimulation is computed during therapy.

On application of electricity, a mildly felt vibration and tingly sensations is commonly experienced which is not discomforting and one could sense allaying of pains and subsequent respite. The twenty-minute lasting therapy would be altered in intensity in accordance to the patient’s on-going vocal response.

Bioelectric Therapy – Side Effects

In atypical scenarios, irritation and reddishness on the skin where electrode contact is being applied could develop in the course of the bioelectric therapy.

Bioelectric Therapy – Requisite Sittings

How many sittings would be needed is based on an individual’s condition and responses to the therapy. A single biotherapy sitting would generally provide pain reprieve and minimal 5 sittings in a week’s time are necessary, after which 3 treatment each week are needed. A usual route of therapy comprises of sixteen to twenty treatments.

Bioelectric Therapy – Pre-Procedure Preparations

In case of those on a course of insulin or blood thinner medicines would have to follow definite instruction prior to undergoing treatment. Fasting prior to the method would be needed and arrangement for some person to take the person home post-therapy would be required.

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