Posted in Healthy diet No discussion yet on March 22nd, 2012

Medical benefits of green tea

Research has shown that green tea considerably reduces the risk of esophageal cancer. Green tea also reduces the overall cholesterol levels.  It is said to improve the High-density lipoprotein as well as Low-density lipoprotein. Green tea is a rich source of catechin polyphenols, particularly epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG). This acts as a destructor of cancerous cells in the body. Green tea also detoxifies the body, purifies the blood and reduces signs of aging from the skin. For people who are trying to reduce their caffeine intake green tea is a healthy solution. Green tea is indeed not completely caffeine free but yet if you compare it with regular tea or coffee it is present in a substantially lesser percentage. Green tea also regulates the blood sugar levels and therefore it is a good immunizer for diabetic patients. Green tea is also known to burn excessive body fats and to help the metabolic rate to gain momentum. This expedites weight loss in the body. Thus green tea is an  [...]

Posted in Disease & Disorders No discussion yet on March 9th, 2012

Apple is the fruit of life and good health

Apple is the preferred fruit for all health freaks and dieticians. This easy-to-eat fruit is most recommended by doctors and health advisors. With many nutritional benefits apple is an ideal food for you and your family: Given here are 7 benifits of eating apples:- Bones: Apple is voted as the best fruit for strengthening and developing bones by most experts. It helps in increasing the the density of the bones. Apple is also helpful for women experiencing back-bone problem at the time menopause. Asthma: For asthma patients, apple is the best fruit for improving the respiratory system. Women who eat apples at the time of pregnancy lower the rate of asthma in their children. Apple juice is an ideal drink for asthma children Cholesterol: Apples help in levelling cholesterol in body. It is proven that people who eat apple every day can successfully lower down cholesterol level by 16% Cancer: People who get jitters as soon as they hear the word cancer can start eating apple  [...]

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