Home Remedies for Stretch Mark Prevention

Filed under : Skin

Stretch marks are common problems faced by people losing or gaining lot of weight drastically and women who have given birth. There are certain home remedies that can help you in preventing stretch marks. Anyone planning to lose or gain weight and every pregnant woman should try these home remedies to avoid occurrence of stretch marks.

Home remedy 1:

The most widely used home remedy for stretch mark is cocoa butter. Cocoa butter is extracted from the creamy fat found inside the cocoa seeds. This ingredient is known for its excellent skin moisturizing properties. Cocoa butter is rich in glycolic acid and vitamin E; these constituents make it an extremely effective remedy for stretch marks.

Home remedy 2:

A mixture of natural oil massaged on the skin areas prone to stretch marks also help in preventing the occurrence of the ugly marks. Mix ¼ cup of aloe gel, ½ cup of olive oil, the constituents of 6 vitamin E capsules and 4 vitamin A capsules together suing a blender. Massage adequate amount of this natural oil mix on your skin every day after bath and before going to bed. The excess oil mixture can be refrigerated and used later.

Home remedy 3:

The next home remedy for stretch mark prevention we will mention here is zinc. Zinc helps in maintaining the health of our body’s connective tissues. The primary protein found in our connective tissues is collagen, which is essential for maintaining our skin’s strength. Often stretch mark occurs due to zinc deficiency. Taking zinc supplements can help us in preventing stretch marks.

Home remedy 4:

Take adequate amount of castor oil and rub it on the skin areas susceptible towards getting stretch marks. Now wrap the region with a plastic sheet. Cover the entire area with a towel soaked in hot water or a heating pad.  Keep the wrap for twenty minutes so that your skin gets enough time to soak the oil.

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