The Best and the Worst Cholesterol Food

Filed under : General Health

Cholesterol is something that damages your health completely. Certain foods show a tendency to reduce heart disease thus bringing down the cholesterol levels. When the bad cholesterol is brought down, the good cholesterol is raised up. Cholesterol has the capacity of busting all the powers of olive oil, beans, and oatmeal. There are many kinds of food that improve your general health and there are some that decrease the capacity.

There are antioxidants in our food, which help to control the insulin secretion and inflammation. This brings down the level of bad cholesterol and maintains the cholesterol level. Let us see some of the cholesterol food, which helps to bring down the harmful triglycerides and LDL. Those who eat whole grains every day had lesser cholesterol than those who eat refined grains. Whole grain pasta thus is a better bet than the usual packaged pasta that you get in the market.

Cholesterol FoodEgg is another cholesterol food that increases the good cholesterol level. The bad cholesterol decreases and the good cholesterol increases. Eggs actually are to help your arteries be clear from blockages and strain. Those who eat eggs have more energy and lose around 65% weight. Egg does not have any ill effect on the cholesterol levels in the body.

People also depend a lot on almonds. Eating 2 ounces of almonds for 23 weeks would give energy and it does not gain weight. The caloric intake from other unhealthy food is avoided. The risk factors for cardiovascular problems are also much less and the cholesterol levels are maintained easily along with lipid levels.

Dark chocolate is another food item, which is good for the health of the heart and brings down blood pressure. This reduces the bad cholesterol and also simultaneously raises the flow of blood to the brain and provides you with lot of stability and strength.

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