Top Reasons For Trying Tai Chi

Posted in Healthy Living No discussion yet on September 3rd, 2010

Tai chi is a form of low impact, aerobic, weight bearing as well as unwinding exercise form practiced extensively in China for over two thousand years. It started off as a martial art form and gradually took on the function of improving health mentally and physically. Practising of tai chi is done in an array of styles involving gradual, gentle moves, deep-breathing and meditating at times known as ‘moving meditation’. Several tai chi practitioners have cited improved feelings of happiness & health alongside a plethora of health gains. It is also believed that tai chi helps in improving the flow of chi or energy via the body which leads to improved wellness and wide-ranging advantages that comprise of: Improvement in vigour, co-ordination, suppleness and conditioning. Lowered pains and rigidity. Improved equilibrium and lesser likelihood of falling. Improved sleep patterns. Heightened alertness, feeling calm and general feeling of well-being. Enhanced heart health. Lessening in  [...]

Microwave Sickness – ‘No-Nukes’ Policy Is The Best

Posted in Healthy Living No discussion yet on August 30th, 2010

Although it is widely known that ‘you-are-what-you-eat’ but equally important is what one buys or also how it is cooked. Consuming food in raw form as much as possible is best. However, majority of people are incapable of accomplishing this and end up cooking some extent of foods. Prudent ‘food preparation’ begins with good-quality foods and the manner in which they are prepared which translates to bidding adieu to your microwave oven. These gadgets that are created for simplifying existences are in fact detrimental to our bodies in more ways than one. Here are the myriad ways microwaves are hampering our health. The rapid heating is causal to structural changes in the chemical composition of foods and saps their nutritive worth. Cancer-causative free radicals were observed to form in root veggies and in many cases the plant alkaloids transformed into carcinogenic substances. Milk, meats, grains, frozen fruits when thawed or prepared in microwaves have been found to transform  [...]

Coke and Your Body – Minute by Minute Account of Assault

Posted in General Health, Healthy Living No discussion yet on August 16th, 2010

How many of us have pondered why a smiley accompanies a Coke- Since it gives the drinker a high. Here is what actually transcends in your body after chugging down Coke. In the initial ten minutes Ten teaspoonfuls sugar of hits the drinker’s body (that comes up to one hundred percent of one’s suggested everyday ingestion). The added phosphoric acid slyly tames the awesome puke-inducing sugariness and helps in keeping the beverage down. Twenty minutes The drinker’s blood glucose levels spike leading to an insulin explosion and the liver responding to it by converting any glucose it could acquire into fats. And after ingesting the soft drink there is bound to be plentiful of it. Forty minutes Assimilation of caffeine has concluded. The coke drinker’s pupil dilatation starts and a surge in blood pressure levels occur. Responding to this change, the liver starts dumping increasing amount of glucose into the blood. As a result blockage develops in the brain’s adenosine  [...]

Fluoridated Water – Is it Good or Detrimental to Health

Posted in General Health, Healthy Living No discussion yet on July 23rd, 2010

Since the later part of the nineties, the US Food and Drug Administration has made it compulsory that all toothpaste brands mention a caveat about fluoride use. The FDA posting a caveat on a toothpaste component has raised many eyebrows as to why the step was taken. Researches on fluoride have revealed that the chemical is presently deemed a potentially lethal drug and an adequate amount of ingestion can be damaging. As is already known, fluoride is the chemical prevalently found in majority of the toothpastes available in the markets. Fluoridated toothpastes are used by individuals as a way of strengthening their teeth (cavity prevention) and general public usually does not mull over it beyond that, which it alright since its marketing is done till that extent. One need not be alarmed nor scared to brush one’s teeth using fluoridated toothpastes since it is not harmful. Neither is the usage of gel-form of fluoride therapy during dental check-ups damaging to health. These forms  [...]

The Feingold Program ADHD Diet

Posted in Diet & Nutrition, Healthy Living No discussion yet on June 17th, 2010

Feingold program ADHD diet is vastly opted by families that have a kin member identified with the condition. Scientists have observed that ADHD is a grouping of symptoms whose onset is noted during infancy and affects an individual’s performance at school or home. The brainchild behind this immensely effective diet was Dr. Feingold who started using the diet for treating ADHD affected kids and found that thirty to fifty percent of them showed improvement. The diet was initially known as K-P diet and following elimination of BHT, BHA petrochemical preservative types, Dr. Feingold noted that seventy percent of the kids showed improvement. Nearly fifty percent of the kids or adults do not require any other kind of intercession. How the Simple Feingold Program ADHD Diet Works? The Feingold Program ADHD Diet involves eradicating some detrimental food dye forms; however it could have drastic and different outcomes. The prevalently employed dye, tartrazine (FD&C Yellow#5) is an ideal  [...]

Prudent Tips for Preventing Lower Back Pain

Posted in Healthy Living No discussion yet on April 1st, 2010

Back Pain afflicts eight among ten individuals. Innately, some form of accident and sport-related injury could be one of the reasons for back pain; however there are several other aspects that could play a key role in causing back pain such as: Pitiable posture. Being obese or overweight. Improper bodily conditioning favoured by being largely inactive. Being psychologically or emotionally stressed. Any internal ailments like infection, blood clot formation or kidney stone presence. Bone deterioration or loss – Osteoporosis. Often several individuals are unable to comprehend that on several instances the pain in fact initiates from the opposite side of the pain-causing site. For instance, being seated for protracted time spans could lead to the iliopsoas muscles which attach the lumbar area to the top part of the femur condensing leading to acute pain when one stands up. However, several measures when adopted would vastly assist in avoiding it. One of the most ideal  [...]

Decisive Human MOT Health Test

Posted in Healthy Living 1 Comment on February 16th, 2010

Top experts have presented a human MOT test for males to gauge any likely risks of developing health condition. Breathlessness in wintry weather Breathlessness is an indicator of cardiovascular system exerting greater effort in functioning normally. This issue becomes more pronounced when the heart is under certain strain. In case one is feeling more than normal breathlessness in icy weather conditions or subsequent to have eaten a full meal then it could be suggestive of furred up arteries (partial or complete arterial blockage due to fatty plaque deposition). The analogous holds true in case there is unanticipated and abnormally more breathlessness felt when one exerts oneself like doing an uphill walk or working out at the gym. Pains or a constricted sensation felt in the chest area are other caveat symptoms. Subsequent Measures Experts believe that instead of simply putting up with it, it would always be wise to undergo a medical examination. In case a doctor considers a person  [...]

Simple, Economical Amendments to a Green and Healthy Abode

Posted in Healthy Living No discussion yet on January 18th, 2010

Making one’s dwelling healthy and safe does not essentially have to be costly or overwhelm us or appear a mammoth task as all that is needed is making some basic yet crucial modifications. A number of these are uncomplicated repairs whereas there are others which could need re-examining protracted lifestyle practices. Steering clear or curbing toxin exposure like those of lead, pesticide is vital as researches have revealed that being overexposed to them could harm the brain, CNS (central nervous system), lead to behavioural issues, make one asthmatic and even lead to cancer among the several others detrimental effects. Below explained are ways of cutting down this injurious exposure. Dust-Busting the House Household dust tends to aggravate allergic reactions. One resolution would be frequent vacuuming scrupulously in the nooks, budging gear around to facilitate thorough cleaning. Ensuring that the vacuum cleaner has a powerful suctioning feature and HEPA filters to draw dust  [...]

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