Using Lavender Oil for Getting Relief from Asthma

Posted in Allergies & Asthma No discussion yet on August 26th, 2011

Asthma is categorized as a respiratory disorder occurring when the dilated blood vessels narrow our airways. Recently obtained statistics show that around 20 million residents of USA are suffering from asthma and the more staggering fact is that 9 million among them are children. One can experience asthma symptoms due to factors like an allergic reaction, stress etc. Medically, asthma is treated with steroids, bronchodilators etc. In this article we’ll be discussing ways of using lavender oil for the treatment of asthma. The sedative and anti-inflammatory properties of lavender oil make it an excellent remedy for asthma. Lavender Oil Chest Rub for Asthma Patients Pour ¼ cup olive oil in a bowl and add 8 drops lavender oil to it. If available, you can also add 2 drops chamomile oil to the mixture. Chamomile oil will enhance the anti-allergic effects of this chest rub due to its antihistamine properties. Now, dip your fingers into the mixture for getting the oil required for performing  [...]

Food Allergies or Intolerances – How to Differentiate Between Them?

Posted in Allergies & Asthma No discussion yet on June 10th, 2011

Over twelve million people in the U.S. suffer from food allergies & another several million having food intolerance. Rates of food allergies have increased two-folds in the United States in the past decade. Another bumming piece of news is that food allergies are heritable. In case one of the parents has an allergy then there’s a twenty-five percent likelihood of the child getting any type of food allergy, not merely the type that his/ her parent has. When mother & father have allergies, then fifty percent kids in the least would be developing them. True food allergies are our body’s erroneous notions that particular foods are attackers or invaders. Disparate to food allergy, food intolerance isn’t life-menacing & symptoms often nebulous are mostly surfacing quite belatedly from the time of food intake. Though the immune system involvement is there at times however the IgE protein isn’t. Any type of foods could be causal to intolerances & could arise in any age.  [...]

Runny nose allergy

Posted in Allergies & Asthma No discussion yet on June 3rd, 2011

What is runny nose? It occurs when there is excessive production of fluid or mucous such that it moves out of your nose or enters back into your body through the throat. This is caused through the nasal tissues and blood vessels. Runny nose allergy will be caused through exposure to allergens such as dust, pollen, smoke, and animal dander. Runny nose allergy is often associated with other related symptoms such as nose itching and frequent sneezing. The function of the nose will be primarily including mucus production for trapping pollutants, dust particles, germs, and pollen. Excessive mucus production lead to post-nasal drip and is termed as runny nose. We could further classify runny nose allergy as follows: Seasonal: Runny nose allergy symptoms are felt by the patient in specific seasons such as spring, fall, or summer and this is related to the high pollen count that occurs in this season due to the flowering of plants. Perennial: Runny nose allergy symptoms are experienced by the patient  [...]

Sinus Allergy Treatment Choices that Work

Posted in Allergies & Asthma No discussion yet on May 20th, 2011

An allergy normally is a reaction given by the body when it feels that a foreign body has entered it. It considers these bodies as allergens and throws up signals to the body to produce histamines which produce the required allergy symptoms. Amongst the various parts of the body the sinus is a sensitive area as it is the doorway to smell. All objects that we smell are indirectly related to the sinus. The sinus has small cilia like structures which block the entry of what the body feels is a foreign body. However when there is an allergy these foreign bodies come in greater numbers and affect its functioning. A situation where the sinus is unable to protect the body from these allergens is called sinusitis. Sinusitis is normally treated with medicines. One also tries to treat it with a hot pack on the face etc. The goals of the treatment are Improve the drainage of mucus and reduction in the swelling of the sinuses. Relieve pain and pressure. To clear any kind of infection. To prevent  [...]

Allergy Symptoms Aggravators – 9 Startling Reasons You Never Anticipated

Posted in Allergies & Asthma No discussion yet on March 1st, 2011

In case you are one of those suffering from seasonal allergy (sixty million people in the U.S.) then you perhaps would be having some tricks to avert triggering factors such as staying indoors during sky-rocketing pollen counts or shutting windows & starting the air conditioner. Though here are some of the lesser apparent factors which could well be aggravating allergy symptoms. Demanding Job Deadline A trial conducted in 2008 by scientists from OSU College of Medicine uncovered that allergy symptoms intensified subsequent to having undergone an anxiety-provoking test in comparison to when they carried out tasks not tensing them out. Stress hormones might kindle Immunoglobin E the allergy-causing blood proteins, according to trial researchers. When one is stressed out, it is crucial that one gets adequate sleep as its deficiency could aggravate stress & symptoms of allergy. You delay taking medicines Histamine-blocker medicines have best efficacy pre-exposure to allergen. Hence,  [...]

Cough-Variant Asthma – What You Need to Know

Posted in Allergies & Asthma No discussion yet on June 23rd, 2010

Cough-variant asthma (CVA) is a kind of asthma wherein the key sign is non-mucus secreting, dry cough also known as non-productive cough. Individuals having cough-variant asthma mostly do not experience any other typical asthma symptoms like succinctness or difficulty while breathing. CVA is also dubbed as chronic cough to explicate a cough which has endured for over 6-8 weeks time. Asthma-related coughing could develop at any time. Night time asthma could vastly interfere with sound slumber. Individuals having cough-variant asthma mostly observe that they would cough more frequently while exercising, known as exercise-induced asthma. Coughing could intensify following exposure to asthma triggering factors or allergy-eliciting substance types like dust or pungent smells or in the presence of chilly climatic conditions. Cough-Variant Asthma – Who is at risk? Any person could develop CVA at any instant; however it prevalently affects young children having childhood asthma. Cough-variant  [...]

Being Heedful About 10 Nasal Allergy Symptoms

Posted in Allergies & Asthma No discussion yet on April 19th, 2010

Are you one of those who frequently sneeze, has teary eyes, scratchy, dribbling nose and feels congested?  All the vacuuming along with HEPA filters, staying at home during times of peak pollen counts and taking symptom-allaying medicines as per directions does not seem to be providing much respite from allergy symptoms. Symptom 1: Allergy salutes Allergic salutes like the gestures of swiping a scratchy, leaky nasal tip are particularly widespread among kids. Symptom 2: Raccoon-like Eyes Under eye dark circles is another one of the niggling allergy symptoms resulting due to scratchy eyes frequently been rubbed, watery or teary eyes, recurrent sneezes and a leaky nose are signs that could be allayed by taking antihistamines. In case one has been taking this form of medicine then one could discuss with a physician about amending dosage schedules. Symptom 3: Unremitting chest congestion A person would usually experience stuffy nasal passage generally lasting for seven to fourteen  [...]

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