Healthy Lifestyle Guide

Posted in Healthy Living No discussion yet on June 29th, 2011

It is never too late to kick start a healthy lifestyle and all you need is a positive attitude and a little bit of commitment. The most satisfying feeling about transforming your life will be the change in how you feel from day to day. Healthier lifestyle choices bring rejuvenation and renewed energy and that sluggish feeling we all know so well can be tamed. Being healthy does not necessarily mean that you have to hit the gym every day. Busy lives mean we do not always have time to dedicate that time away from home but exercising regularly, maybe just twice a week for thirty minutes or three times a week for twenty minutes is hugely beneficial. Aside from exercise, it is really a great idea to begin by looking at your diet. You might think that you get your five a day but is this enough? You need to be getting enough of ALL the food groups, avoiding carbohydrates is no good on it’s own, everyone needs a few carbs in their life and in moderation are no more harmful than a bowl of spinach.  [...]

Fibromyalgia Treatment Natural Approaches That Work

Posted in Healthy Living, Women's Health No discussion yet on May 2nd, 2011

Fibromyalgia-triggered chronic pains afflict around one from fifty people in America. As fibromyalgia is incurable & cause for the condition being ambiguous, the pursuit for unearthing the finest fibromyalgia treatment is still under progress. Several individuals have found improvement in their condition via innate therapies – around ninety per cent of fibromyalgia sufferers have given some of them a try. Since there have been hardly any scientific trials done on majority of these natural treatments hence trying them is the sole means of seeing whether any of them are working for you. Do discuss with your physician regarding what may be most apt for you. Sunshine Vitamin as Fibromyalgia Treatment Deficits of magnesium & vitamin D have been observed in fibro sufferers; however there is still absence of proof that intake of vitamins in supplemental form is an effectual therapy for fibromyalgia. Vitamin D which is best obtained from the sun’s rays does have some impact on functioning  [...]

What Important Health Lessons could be Learnt From the First Lady

Posted in Healthy Living No discussion yet on May 1st, 2011

In what way does the White House Garden thrive? Partly possible by the yearly addition of varied kinds of produce. During springtime planting in the garden, Michelle Obama made the announcement that beetroots would be the proud addition to their garden for the pioneering instant, in spite of the President’s dislike for them. The First Lady candidly confessed to a gang of school-goers volunteering in the gardening work about her husband not particularly being a fan of the delightfully coloured vegetable. The herbaceous plant which is great for the blood, digestion, fever & is carb and iron rich joins the fifty-plus array of fruit & veggie varieties in the two-yr-old garden which has produced a massive two thousand lbs. of produce. During spring-2010, Michelle along with her volunteering group planted cauliflowers, artichoke, bok choy & mustard plant to the White House garden’s bounteousness. Although the Obamas might not be big on beetroots but their inclusion does reinforce  [...]

Natural Detox This Springtime

Posted in Healthy Living No discussion yet on April 11th, 2011

Is sluggishness, aches & bloating bogging you down? Well, it’s certainly time for detoxification. Though where should one be starting? Commence right away – by selecting foods available in the springtime which must certainly be part of your grocery-shopping list. Natural Detox Foods Top Priority List [table id=1 /] Other Ways of Jump-starting Natural Detox Try incorporating the following into regular intake for maximum detoxifying action: Pomegranates Beetroot Cilantro Cocoa Milk thistle Spirulina Seaweed Chlorella Nutrient forms like zinc, selenium to activate detoxing & glutathione Special detoxifying supplement types like NAC (a sulphur which the body deploys for making glutathione), triphala, psyllium, vitamin C that assists the body in producing glutathione (a liver constituent eliminating toxins). Herb forms like burdock, chlorella that help in supporting detoxification. Drink green tea. Skip or drastically reduce intake of trans fats or hydrogenated fats, high-fructose  [...]

Weight Management Tips for Rotational Shift Workers

Posted in Healthy Living No discussion yet on November 19th, 2010

An estimate 1 among 3 people employed in Canada are into shift work and in case you are one like them, you’re perhaps facing challenges for eating healthful. There is a greater tendency and expediency in hitting those vending machines for fuelling our bodies with cupfuls of caffeine – a habit which is never a good move for a healthy body. Still for individuals working graveyard & rotational shifts, healthful consumption holds paramount importance since studies have found that people in shift work have a higher chance of developing sleep disturbance, hypertension, type II diabetes, cardiovascular ailment, metabolic syndrome among other conditions. Shift work is even associated with digestion problems like unsettled stomach, ulcer formations & heart burn. In comparison to people working in regular daytime jobs, shift work employees have a greater likelihood of suffering weight issues because of pitiable food options, erratic and non-regular consumption habits & augmented calorific  [...]

Airport body Scanners – Gauging the Safety Quotient

Posted in Healthy Living No discussion yet on November 12th, 2010

For those who have not yet spotted the novel screening devices which are been installed across airports in the United States, probability of you seeing it shortly are quite high. The TSA or Transportation Security Administration is swapping majority of the metal detector devices with imaging gadgets which divulge information about objects concealed within the clothes of a passenger. However, a number of specialists are apprehensive that the novel airport body scanners could be exposing flyers to health dangers. In point of fact, airport scanners come in duo forms and the pre-requisite in these is the person to be stepping inside booths and raising his/her arms. Millimeter wave technology is one of them that emits radio waves that bounce off an individual’s body for producing monochromatic images by gauging energy reflection occurring. This type of full body scanner is widely used globally & the TSA has stated that the millimetre wave technology produces much lesser energy in comparison  [...]

How to Make Halloween Safer for Your Pets

Posted in Healthy Living No discussion yet on October 25th, 2010

As per startling information provided by the NRA (a top employer body which represents retail, service & fast-food business) the current Halloween is anticipated to jolt out six billion dollars in the United States with end users splurging an average of above sixty-six dollars being shelled out per person – a noteworthy growth over that from past year’s. A typical of twenty dollars per individual would be used up on candies & chocolates. Even as most parts of the confectionary would be wolfed down by us bipedals, several of these would alas be falling into the mitts & maws of our quadrupedal buddies. Candies could be rather harmful to the Fluffies and Fidos. Irrespective of the type, Chocolates – in particular darkish or baking varieties could be exceptionally unsafe for canines and felines. Signs & Symptoms of excess intake of chocolates could entail any of the following: Feeling increasingly thirsty and urinating. Loose Bowels. Puking. Hyperactive Behaviour. Augmented  [...]

Stepwise Guide to Working Out with Hectic Schedules

Posted in Fitness & Exercise, Healthy Living No discussion yet on October 22nd, 2010

Vocation, kin, laundering, volunteer work & myriad others in the lengthy commitment list serve as pretexts to evade exercising. Even as agendas appear to be getting hectic at most times, it is imperative to prioritize exercising since it enhances fitness & health levels. Miniscule amendments in one’s hectic time-table would most possibly make ample space for an express workout – be it heading off to an aerobics class or walking about the block or working out at one’s in-home gym. Building off of one’s existing form and striving for no less than thirty minutes of exercising daily is imperative. Move I Looking for any commitment in the schedule which could be eliminated or shifted to another time or delegating it to another person for creating time for working out. Start reviewing your everyday agenda for identifying likely workout breaks during the daytime. Move II Waking up half an hour sooner during dawn times for squeezing in a quickie exercise session. Working out  [...]

Proven Intriguing Home Cures for Common Health Woes

Posted in Healthy Living No discussion yet on September 17th, 2010

Many of us often resort to granny’s home cures and several of these truly do appear to have a favourable effect. Although science has not corroborated it, in case it is not causing any harm and one is able to comprehend the encouraging effects then they are definitely worth trying. Outlined herewith are several highly effectual, fascinating & unusual home cures. Foul Breath Yoghurt Eating a mini cup of curds or yoghurt daily could have an inhibiting action on odour-producing bacterial forms. Carrot Chomping down raw carrot is a good idea when one is sensing foul-smelling breath. Frequently, putrefying food specks lodged in the mouth trigger foul breath and chewing on carrots helps in stimulating salivation that provides riddance from them. Moreover, fibre presence in carrots has a tooth-brushing effect on the gum and tooth areas. Bruising Onion Mixing onion post-grating alongside some salt, packing it over the bruises and grasping it in place for around 10 minutes during an instant.  [...]

For Health’s Sake Give Limu Moui A Chance

Posted in Healthy Living No discussion yet on September 6th, 2010

Limu moui or limu is the brownish aquatic macro algae thriving in oceans and the most wholesome algal type present beyond Tonga. It is a nutrient warehouse and deemed a useful food form containing an array of mineral, vitamin, EFA, antioxidant, phytochemicals, fiber and amino acids. Limu could proffer the apt recuperative means necessary for tiding over an illness. Fucoidan is an innate constituent present in limu that has potent cancer combatant features. In regards to boosting immune system, limu is comparable to breast milk since it offers commendable immune support. The extraordinary sugars known as glyconutrients present in limu are believed to egg on NK (natural killer) cells for combating varied ailments. In study findings, glyconutrients also aid in mobilizing WBC (white blood cells) for ably engulfing and destroying communicable micro-organisms. It has high levels of active plant enzymes which are totally lacking in foods post-cooking and are crucial for immune functioning, protein  [...]

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