What Are the Signs and Symptoms of Jock Itch?

Posted in Skin Disorders No discussion yet on September 30th, 2011

Medically, jock itch is commonly referred to as tinea cruris. The other name for this fungal infection is ringworm of groin. In this article, we’ll be discussing about the common signs of jock itch. Patients with jock itch experience itching sensation in their groin area, which is the most frequently occurring sign of the fungal infection. The itching caused by jock itch might be extremely uncomfortable; in some patients the itching sensation gradually reaches the body parts like anus and upper thighs from the groin. Jock itch is a contagious condition and can infect people coming in contact with the infected clothing and contaminated skin. The irritation caused by the infection can increase if you scratch the affected body parts. Frequent scratching may also augment the risk of spreading of the fungal infection to the other body parts of the patient. The next most common sign of jock itch is formation of unusual skin lesions around the groin area. The skin lesions caused by jock itch  [...]

Home Treatment for Skin Abscess

Posted in Skin Disorders No discussion yet on September 10th, 2011

The term skin abscess is another name used for skin boils. Skin abscesses are pus filled infections occurring deep within the skin, which may or may not involve hair follicles. On most occasions, skin abscesses occur on the moist regions of our body for example, the back region of the neck, groin, armpits etc. In this article we’ll be informing you tips of treating skin abscesses at home. Treating abscesses with turmeric: Turmeric is a yellowish orange colored spice mostly used for cooking Indian dishes.  The active ingredient of this spice is curcumin; several studies conducted around the world have concluded that curcumin can effectively work as an anti-inflammatory agent and can also help in fighting infections. You can consume this spice in form of a drink; add 2 teaspoon of turmeric powder either to water or to milk and drink it 2 to 3 times every day for three consecutive days. A paste prepared using turmeric and milk can be applied topically on the skin areas with abscesses. While  [...]

Natural Remedies for Spider Veins

Posted in Skin Disorders No discussion yet on August 19th, 2011

Below we have presented a few effective natural remedies for varicose veins: Ginkgo biloba: This herb works by strengthening the tissues forming the walls of our veins. Ginkgo biloba also effectively improves the circulation in our tissues and thus enhances the tissue oxygenation. All these features of this herb make it an effective remedy for spider veins. According to herbalists, a patient suffering from this skin disorder must consume 40mg ginkgo biloba extracts thrice every day until this spider veins go away completely. Witch hazel: The extract of this herb is known for its astringent properties. It is widely used as an external remedy of spider veins. If you have developed this skin disorder, soak a clean piece of cloth or cotton ball into extracts of witch hazel and apply the extract directly on the affected regions of your skin. Repeat the procedure 2 to 3 times every day. This should be continued until the spider veins go away. Horse chestnut: This herb helps in strengthening  [...]

What Can Cause White Patches on Our Skin?

Posted in Skin Disorders No discussion yet on July 22nd, 2011

Skin is the largest organ of our body; like any other organ of our body, skin also suffers from a number of medical conditions. In this article we’ll be discussing about the possible causes of one common skin condition, white skin patches. Mild eczema: If you have white patches on your skin, it might indicate the occurrence of mild eczema. This type skin disorder is most common among the children. If you get swelling, redness and itchiness around the white patches, the condition might be caused due contact with external irritants. This form of white patches is generally treated using corticosteroid creams and moisturizers. Yeast infection: The medical term used for yeast infection is tinea versicolor; it can also occur in form of small, white and scaly spots on the skin. The most common sites of occurrence of white patches caused by yeast infections are: back, chest and upper arms. Yeast infections are triggered by a fungus called candida. People, who have oily skin, are at higher risk  [...]

Home Remedies for Stretch Mark Prevention

Posted in Skin Disorders No discussion yet on July 8th, 2011

Stretch marks are common problems faced by people losing or gaining lot of weight drastically and women who have given birth. There are certain home remedies that can help you in preventing stretch marks. Anyone planning to lose or gain weight and every pregnant woman should try these home remedies to avoid occurrence of stretch marks. Home remedy 1: The most widely used home remedy for stretch mark is cocoa butter. Cocoa butter is extracted from the creamy fat found inside the cocoa seeds. This ingredient is known for its excellent skin moisturizing properties. Cocoa butter is rich in glycolic acid and vitamin E; these constituents make it an extremely effective remedy for stretch marks. Home remedy 2: A mixture of natural oil massaged on the skin areas prone to stretch marks also help in preventing the occurrence of the ugly marks. Mix ¼ cup of aloe gel, ½ cup of olive oil, the constituents of 6 vitamin E capsules and 4 vitamin A capsules together suing a blender. Massage adequate amount  [...]

Cellulite Removal: How Ozone Therapy Works?

Posted in Skin Disorders No discussion yet on July 1st, 2011

Have you ever heard of ozone therapy? Ozone therapy is used widely as a remedy for conditions like back pain and chronic ailments like cancer. However, the use of ozone therapy is most common for skin and hair care purposes. In this article we’ll discuss how ozone therapy helps in fighting cellulites. The molecule of Ozone includes 3 atoms of oxygen.  Gaseous oxygen on the other hand includes only 2 atoms of oxygen. Ozone is a gas found in less stable form compared to oxygen and hence this gas is more active chemically than oxygen. During the procedure of eliminating cellulites through ozone therapy, a solution made from ozone and oxygen is used to carry out a liposuction known as lipoliquidation therapy. The same solution is also used for the treatment of neurological disorders, circulatory issues, hepatitis etc. In case of treatment of cellulite, the ozone and oxygen based solution will transform lipids present in fatty tissues into a type of water soluble compound. This water soluble  [...]

Hyperhidrosis Treatment Axilase for Good Riddance From Sweat Marks

Posted in Skin Disorders No discussion yet on April 22nd, 2011

Pit stains – haven’t we all been there – though what if you have a chance to bid adieu to your worries of ruining that designer outfit & a not-so-nice public display of your sweaty issue everlastingly? Well, you’re prayers have just been answered. N. Jersey Doctor M. Chasin is offering the Axilase method which is one-stop resolution for undue, irrepressible underarm perspiration or axillary hyperhidrosis. Axilase is the hottest top-notch method with corroborated FDA clearance for laser technology to drastically curb hyperhidrosis that can impact everyday routines, careers & also love life. Nearly five percent of the global populace ails from this problem, though not many are aware that there is ultimately a way of combating this aggravating & often mortifying condition. Axilase Hyperhidrosis Treatment The Aspire laser technology by Palomar is used for selective targeting sweat glands located in the armpits which are obliterated with the laser wavelength. Firstly, duo  [...]

Canker Sore (Apothous Ulcer) Home Remedies

Posted in Skin Disorders No discussion yet on January 24th, 2011

Canker sore is a smallish, excruciating non-communicable ulcer formation within the mouth classically with reddish margins & might develop in the tongue, inner portion of the lip/cheek & on mouth base. Though commonly occurring, the reason for canker sore arising is not known, usually taking a week to a fortnight for healing. When you are suffering from canker sore, express and effective reprieve tops the agenda. People need to bear in mind that, although, several physicians fondly tell patients that the canker sore would be lasting for a week sans therapy – it is hardly any sort of comforting news. In several situations, canker sore could be taking nearly a fortnight for healing; in case it lingers around for more time than this then visiting the dentist’s clinic is of paramount importance. In the meanwhile, here are several home cures for getting respite. Getting out the styptic stick – Several barbers have since long deployed styptic sticks for stemming blood loss emanating  [...]

Pityriasis Rosea Gibert

Posted in Disease, Skin Disorders No discussion yet on January 3rd, 2011

Pityriasis rosea Gibert is a skin condition wherein rashes develop prevalently among individuals in the age group of ten & thirty-five years of age. These rashes could remain on the skin for many weeks or even months on end. Generally, they don’t leave lasting blemishes though among individuals with duskier skin tone it could leave lasting flattish brown-coloured marks which gradually lighten. Pityriasis rosea Gibert could surface yearlong though commonly during spring & autumn. Symptoms Pityriasis rosea Gibert generally commences with large-sized, flaking, pinkish patches over the trunk, back and known as heralds or mother patches and often mistaken to be ringworm infection. Hence, anti-fungal topical applications fail to be of any assistance since it isn’t fugus-caused. In seven to fourteen days, the pinkish patches start appearing in greater numbers on the trunk, arm, leg & back areas though even surfacing on the neck, though atypically on the facial area. The patch is  [...]

Home Remedies for Acne

Posted in Skin Disorders No discussion yet on December 6th, 2010

Acne erupts mainly due to excess secretion of a greasy matter known as sebum in your hair follicle that merges with lifeless skin cells and leads to pore clogging. Follicular inflammation then results and whiteheads, blackheads or pimples develop. The reason for sebum being overproduced is still unclear, though hormones are believed to be the key factor.Here are several home remedies for acne; however, it is imperative that one firstly check with dermatologists prior to attempting alternative therapies. Simple Home Remedies for Acne Dicing lemons into equal parts and manually squeezing them or with juicers till one has obtained a few oz. of lemon juice in a tumbler. Measuring the quantity of this juice and then pouring it in a bowl having a cover. Now taking rose water of the analogous measurement and pour it in the analogous bowl having the lemon extract and then mixing them together. After washing off the face, applying the mix on the skin’s surface and letting it stay for around  [...]

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